Domestic Sexual Assault/Spousal Rape Lawyer In The Woodlands

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Sadly, nonconsensual sexual interactions between couples often go unreported. Though it may be difficult to do so, reporting these instances may help you achieve the peace of mind that you need for yourself and your family. Seeking legal advice to learn more about your rights and legal options can be critical in ensuring your safety. The Woodlands attorneys at the BB Law Group PLLC understand the complexities that commonly accompany domestic sexual assault and spousal rape cases, and we can offer you the resources that you need to regain control of your life.

Instances of unwanted sexual activity often occur when an individual desires to establish dominance or control over their partner. Naturally, feelings of guilt and depression can arise from such nonconsensual experiences, especially when they occur between spouses. Attorneys from the BB Law Group PLLC understand this and can offer Woodlands abuse victims discrete and effective advice to help resolve the matter.

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    Effects of Domestic Sexual Assault

    Domestic Sexual Assault_Spousal Rape Lawyer In The Woodlands Image 2According to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, individuals who have experienced marital rape face a number of special issues during their recovery, which can include:

    • Longer recovery from trauma
    • Higher likelihood of repeated assaults
    • Pressure to stay with perpetrator
    • Negative effects on children in the household
    • Difficulty identifying what happened as a crime

    The BB Law Group PLLC is committed to legally assisting individuals who have suffered from this type of abuse. We have the knowledge, experience, and discretion to help you overcome the above obstacles and help get you through what can often be an exceedingly difficult time.

    Contact a Spousal Rape Lawyer Today

    Unwelcome sexual advances are never acceptable, and spouses or partners who have experienced such encounters should not be subjected to these instances of abuse. At BB Law Group PLLC, our attorneys will fight on behalf of Woodlands individuals who have been the victims of domestic sexual assault or spousal rape. To speak with a member of our knowledgeable legal team, please call (832) 534-2589 today.