Can alimony payments be enforced if my ex-spouse won’t pay?

Home / FAQs / Can alimony payments be enforced if my ex-spouse won’t pay?

Yes. In many divorce cases where one spouse makes significantly more money than the other, the former will be required to pay alimony payments to the latter for a specified period of time. If these payments cease or decrease in a way that is not specified in the alimony agreement, then a lawyer can help you legally enforce them. Receiving alimony payments is important if you are going through a divorce and do not have the financial stability that you once did, so having a legal team on your side to enforce these payments can mean the difference between financial stability and financial insecurity.

Divorce can be difficult if your spouse is not complying with the law, but the divorce attorneys of the BB Law Group PLLC are dedicated to helping clients get the alimony payments they are due. Contact us today by calling (832) 534-2589 to discuss your position and how we can help you.