The Modification, Enforcement, or Defense of Out-of-State Orders

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As our society becomes more mobile, it is not uncommon for a parent to relocate to a new state—when pursuing a job opportunity, for instance. However, there are a number of legal considerations that that parent will need to make prior to their relocation in regards to the terms of their divorce and related agreements. While the laws governing these agreement will vary from state to state, both the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) and the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA) do dictate a standard set of rules and limitations that may be used to resolve any potential legal issues resulting from out-of-state relocation.

Out-of-State Orders We Can Help With

Our team of family lawyers at BB Law Group PLLC understands the various legal necessities that will accompany out-of-state relocation, especially as they apply to:

  • Child custody
  • Child visitation
  • Child support
  • Alimony

Our Woodlands legal team knows how critical it will be to you that these matters be taken care of as promptly as possible; we’ll do everything we can to help you resolve any legal issues so that you may move on with your life.

Consult a Woodlands Out-of-State Order Family Lawyer

At BB Law Group PLLC, our Woodlands out-of-state order family lawyers understand exactly what steps to take to help you resolve any legal issues that may arise out of your relocation. To discuss the particulars of your circumstances or your plans to move with one of our Woodlands family lawyers, please call our Woodlands offices at (832) 534-2589 today.