At the BB Law Group PLLC, we understand that it can be difficult for individuals facing divorce or other family legal issues to find reliable information regarding even the most basic facts about family law. Thus, we have compiled the following list of informative legal articles in a single, easily accessible location so that you can learn more about your legal rights and options in a variety of family law situations.
If the information you’re looking for is not here, please check back later, as we will be regularly updating this page with new articles. You can also speak with a knowledgeable Woodlands family law attorney about the details of your case by contacting our offices today at (832) 534-2589.
- 2 Types of Alimony Payments
- 3 Ways to Enforce Alimony Payments
- Advantages of Mediated Divorce
- Advantages of Simplified Divorce
- Alternative Divorce Options
- Assault v. Battery
- Asset Division During Divorce
- At-Fault Divorce in Texas
- Child Abuse as Grounds for Divorce
- Child Support Enforcement
- Choosing a Divorce Arbitrator
- Choosing a Divorce Mediator
- Choosing the Right Form of Divorce
- Common Reasons for Adult Adoption
- Common Strategies of Divorce Mediators
- Contested vs. Uncontested Divorces
- Court Ordered Alimony Payments
- Decreasing Your Child Support Payments
- Differences for Military Divorces
- Different Types of Adoption
- Different Types of Domestic Violence
- Distinguishing Between Community and Private Property
- Division of Debt in a Divorce
- Division of Property
- Divorce and Child Support Agreements
- Enforcement of Child Visitation Agreements
- Enforcing Alimony in The Woodlands
- Facing Cultural Differences
- Falling Out of Love
- Filing for Temporary Alimony
- Foreign Adoption
- Getting Help with Adoption
- Grandparent Visitation Rights
- Grounds for Divorce Due to Spousal Abuse
- High Conflict Custody Resolutions
- How a Paternity Actions Attorney Can Help
- How an Attorney Can Help Modify a Court Order
- How Courts Determine Child Support
- How Restraining Orders Can Help
- How Social Media Can Cause Divorce
- Increasing Child Support
- Infidelity and Divorce
- Modifying Alimony Agreements
- Modifying Child Custody
- Modifying Child Visitation Agreements
- Parents of Divorcees
- Penalties for Violating a Protective Order
- Process of Divorce Arbitration
- Protect Your Interests with Divorce Agreements
- Protecting Interests in Geographic Restriction Cases
- Protecting Your Interests in High Conflict Custody Cases
- Protecting Your Separate Property During a Divorce
- Pursuing Divorce Litigation
- Requirements for Simplified Divorce
- Separate vs. Community Property
- Talking to Your Children About Divorce
- Telling Others about Your Decision to Divorce
- The Modification, Enforcement, or Defense of Out-of-State Orders
- Three Reasons to Adopt an Older Child
- Visitation For Children Under Age 3
- What is Divorce Arbitration?
- When Considering Collaborative Divorce
- When Contested Divorce May Be Necessary
- Why Child Support Agreements Might Change
- Why Mediated Divorce May Work for You
- Working Through a High Net Worth Divorce
- Working Through an Uncontested Divorce
- Working with a Family Attorney