State registry for domestic violence abusers underway

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Christopher Polvado is the ex-husband of Tamara Reeves, who, inspired by her own abuse at his hands, has been working with state legislators to build a registry of domestic abuse offenders. Polvado has been arrested many times over the years for domestic abuse. In 2013, he was finally sentenced to six years of probation for continuous family violence.

He was arrested in March for violating his probation terms and Reeves believes he would kill her given the chance. He has continued his patterns of abuse over the internet for the past few years, creating fake profiles for her, receiving death threats, and maintaining access to her iCloud account.

One of the people Reeves has been meeting with, Representative Jason Villalba, attempted to file a domestic violence registry, but time ran out. He will be re-filing in January, claiming, “If we had a registry just like a sexual predator registry of those individuals, we would know who is on the registry and who has committed these kinds of crimes.”

At the BB Law Group PLLC, we understand just how terrifying domestic violence can be and believe that no one should be subject to its sustained practice. Contact us at (832) 534-2589 if you or someone you know is in such a situation and is looking for help out.