Number of ex-husbands seeking alimony from ex-wives on the rise

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A report published by Reuters on December 24 revealed that more men are seeking alimony from ex-wives. The article was a result of a survey conducted by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, which showed that 47% of their 1,600 members had seen an increase in the number of men receiving spousal support from their ex-spouse.

Divorce experts stated that the change is likely a result of an alteration of economic roles between men and women, where women are gradually becoming chief wage earners and men are more likely to stay at home to take care of the kids.

A divorce specialist from Tennessee also commented that it is easier for ex-husbands to seek financial support when the children are in their custody. However, several cases of men without kids who were still able to obtain alimony have also been noted.

If you are from The Woodlands and are dealing with alimony-related issues, seek legal advice from a lawyer at the BB Law Group PLLC. Get a free case assessment today and discuss your situation by calling (832) 534-2589.