Mr. Bean star divorces wife of 24 years

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On November 10, the district judge at the Central Family Court in London finally granted a decree nisi to Rowan Atkinson, of the Mr. Bean and Blackadder fame, and his wife Sunetra. The couple has reportedly been separated since 2014. The two were married for 24 years and have two children together.

Sunetra Atkinson cited her husband’s “unreasonable behavior” in their separation, although details were not given. The ex-couple were allegedly building a home together when they decided to separate, and the two have been living in their own London homes ever since.

While the decree nisi represents a step towards the resolution of this separation, the divorce will not be finalized until either party applies for a decree absolute. Typically, a person may apply for a decree absolute six weeks after the grant of decree nisi. The time delay allows further discussion of finances and other issues between the husband and the wife.

Even divorces that do not take place in the public eye are incredibly difficult. At the BB Law Group PLLC, our attorneys in The Woodlands are prepared to help you work through this process as painlessly as possible. Call us today at (832) 534-2589 to learn more.